CybersecurityManaged Services

How to Choose the Best Network Firewall for Your Business

By June 29, 2020 No Comments
Cyber Security

Just like a raincoat that protects you from the elements, not all network firewalls are built exactly the same, which makes understanding which type of firewall will work the best for you and your business an extremely important distinction. 

The main goal of having a firewall is to protect your network from external threats like malicious software, viruses, or even hackers. Firewalls act as your business’ first line of defence by monitoring the data traffic on your network in order to identify unusual activity and stop attacks before they happen. Basic firewalls can simply stop suspicious data from entering your network but a more sophisticated one can allow for comprehensive control of every aspect of your network.

Below we’ve identified the four main types of firewalls and their differences so you can figure out which one will be best for your business needs:

Next Generation Firewall (NGFW)

NGFWs are the strongest and most sophisticated types of firewalls that off an extremely high level of security, can vary in complexity and be tailored to fit your businesses needs. NGFWs are designed to include a full network of threat protection which includes advanced threat detection, threat prevention, basic firewalls, and various other tools. In many ways NGFWs are seen as the best option to protect your business but often come at a higher price-point.

Packet Filtering Firewall

Packet filtering firewalls are the simplest forms of network protection and are centred around sorting the data that enters a network. Packet filtering firewalls requires a predetermined criteria which data must meet before entering the system; if the data does not meet the set criteria it’s blocked from entering the network. Unfortunately, the biggest downside of packet filtering is that they can only sort through a predetermined set of criteria making them time-consuming to keep up to date as your business evolves.

Circuit Level Gateway Firewall

Taking a different approach, circuit level gateway based firewalls create a connection between the User Datagram Protocol and the Transmission Control Protocol. Data enters through this connection and can only continue onto the network if approved by both the UDP and TCP. Circuit level gateways are simple and cheap to operate but just like packet filtering lack in-depth filtering and require time to upkeep. 

Application Level Gateway Firewall

Application level gateway based (proxy) firewalls are a sophisticated type of  software that use a proxy server to intercept and validate data traffic before it enters the network which is great for protecting against malicious software. One negative side effect of this firewall’s high level of sophistication, however, may be the slow down of your network’s performance due to the diversion of traffic to the proxy server. 

With so many different firewall providers available on the market, it’s important to take the time to do your research before deciding which one will best suit your needs. Contact Resilient IT to connect with a passionate team who can help recommend the perfect firewall network protection for your business and set you up for success.

Quentin MacAulay

About Quentin MacAulay

Owner/CIO at Resilient IT. One part of a talented team of IT professionals committed to serve our customers by providing superior technical knowledge combined with business acumen and customer service that exceeds expectations. We leverage the strength of our team, partnering to deliver best in class solutions that are cost effective and enable our clients to focus on the growth of their business. I lead Resilient from a sales and operation perspective.

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